This article was created using software version FreeScan UE_v1.2.2.4.
This article will show you the different ways to create the cutting plane and to work with it during scanning.
Create the cutting plane
The cutting plane function can be starting by clicking on the icon (red surrounded) at the button of the software.
After starting the function, a new window will pop up on the left side.
Methods of creating the cutting plane
Now you need to select how you want to create the cutting plane. The following options are available:
- "Fitting Point Cloud"
- "Creating straight line"
- "By Markers"
When you click on the option you want to take it's marked with a blue dot. Then the method is active.
"Fitting Point Cloud"
When you have selected the "Fitting Point Cloud" function you must select the area where you want to create the cutting plane. Hold the "Shift" key button on the keyboard and click with the left mouse button on areas where the cutting plane should be. Then click "Create Plane".
In the video bellow you see the workflow
"Creating straight line"
When you choose the "Creating straight line" function, you hold the "Shift" key button on the keyboard and then draw a line by click and holding the left mouse button.
In the video bellow you can see the workflow.
"By Marker"
When you have markers around the object you can use these as well to create the cutting plane. Chose the "By Marker" function, hold the “Shift" key button on the keyboard and then click with the left mouse button on 3 markers (at less) to create the plane.
In the video bellow you can see the workflow.
Adjust the cutting plane
Delete plane
If you are not satisfied with the cutting plane, you can click on "Delete Plane" and try another method.
In the video bellow you can see the workflow.
Move and rotate the cutting plane
When you have created the cutting plane, you can move it and rotate it. You can move it by holding and dragging the arrow (surrounded green) or rotate it by holding and dragging the points (surrounded orange).
Also, you can type in a number or click on the arrows (red surrounded) to change the position horizontally.
In the video bellow you can see the workflow of moving and rotating the cutting plane.
Scanning after creating the cutting plane
When you have created the cutting plane and you go on with the scan, all the data under the cutting plane will not be captured anymore. So only date above the cutting plane will be scanned.
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