In this article you will learn what do you need in order to scan with IR mode.
For the IR scan mode you can (but it is not necessary like in the laser mode) have markers, you can either don't have markers at all or place them as in the laser mode.
Scanning Hair to IR
Comb the hair before scanning in the IR mode.
Wrong | Correct |
1. Scanning a body usually should be done in this order to avoid movement and changes in the model:
1. Scanning face - Forehead->eyes -> Nose-> Cheeks-> Lips-> Under chin-> Neck-> Ears->
2. Upper body - Neck->Shoulders->Head/Hair->Shoulders->Back->Side->Front/Chest->Side ->
3. Lower body - Hips -> Legs
Doing it in this order will avoid errors while breathing/ blinking or other small movements.
Do not come to retry to scan the face after the scan is done this will usually make the scan look with more noise or even change if the person did move.
2. While scanning hair if the hair is too dark you can use white baby powder or a non flammable coating spray.