Preparation for Laser Scanning

In this article you will learn what to do before starting to scan with the FreeScan Handheld Scanners in laser mode and general tips on how to scan dark or transparent objects. 


   For scanning with Laser mode you will have to use markers, either place on the object, near the object or both for easier tracking.

Markers can be attach to the object. Example: 

 If the device fails to catch markers, it will not emit laser lines in the laser scan mode.

  • Attach the markers evenly and randomly.
  • Four markers are required for the alignment.
  • Ensure that the device’s camera can scan at least 4 markers within the normal scanning range.
  • Please attach small markers on the edges or at small face of the model.
  • Do not attach the markers on the surface with high curvature.
  • Do not use damaged or incomplete markers.
  • Do not use greasy, dusty, or dirty markers.
  • Avoid symmetry or grouping markers. 
  • You can use 3mm or/and 6mm markers.

Avoid grouping markers Avoid symmetry or lining Correct way of having markers


1. The angle between the markers and the scanner must be close to 90° .

    The software will locate the marker in the 3D work box with more trueness if this is detected as a circle.

2. A good way of starting scanning is to use a manual turn table that has markers on it.

3. For small objects that are reflective and dark the best way to scan them is to use markers dice and coat the object with spay.

Lowest angle without using the markers dice :

Lowest angle using the markers dice  :

    This is useful because it will let you scan from different angles and you will be able to gather more data from the object that you want to scan. It will also easier to scan the object because the software will identify the markers easier. 

4.  For larger objects, like a car, you can put paper tape on the object and then place markers on the tape, this will help with the placement of markers and the removal of them.


    To be able to scan objects that are reflective, shiny, transparent or dark objects you will need a spraying coat. Using a coating on the object will help the scanner to identify the geometry faster and more accurate.

    There are 2 types of coating spray: permanent or temporary. 


Shining and transparent object
Object after spraying with a matte surface

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